If you were born in Baldwin County after the mid ‘70s, there’s a big chance you were delivered by Fred F. Diegmann, M.D. A character in his own right, and with the stories to prove it, he’s not only an accomplished and adored physician, he’s ushering in top talent to serve the women of Baldwin County—just as he’s done for decades. Working as a family to maintain the traditions of the past that have served them well, while forging ahead in all that modern medicine has to offer, the team at Bayside Women’s Health share how they provide the best of both worlds.
By Hayley Hill Photos Stevye Photography, StevyePhotography.com Makeup Courtney Matthews Makeup Artistry, Cocokat1978@gmail.com Hair Felisha Allen, HeadDress Salon, 251.689.7427
As one of the most established OB-GYN practices in Baldwin County, the success of Bayside Women’s Health (BWH) can be attributed to its founder, Dr. Fred F. Diegmann. With his tried and true approach to women’s health, he’s carefully curated a first-rate team of physicians that bring a range of expertise to the beloved practice ensuring patients of all ages feel confident in their care. If you’ve lived in Baldwin County for a certain number of years, you may have heard the sweet stories about him walking his horse down Highway 98 or even rubbed shoulders with him at a University of Alabama football game. If you’re a patient, you know he never meets a stranger and loves photography. Many of the walls at BWH boast beautiful baby pictures of those he and his team have delivered. “As a medical student and intern at The University of Alabama at Birmingham, I instantly loved the OB-GYN rotations. Having opened the first OB-GYN practice in Baldwin County in 1974 is certainly a point of pride. Still practicing, I’m the oldest (not senior!) practitioner in the area and love what I do!” Dr. Diegmann exclaims.
Setting the tone for the practice, Dr. Diegmann has always been committed to doing as much as he can to help his patients. “Although OB-GYN is considered a specialty, we have the opportunity to evaluate all of our patients’ conditions and symptoms. I’ve found that many patients don’t have another physician, so I’ve always made myself available for all their health concerns, and spiritual and emotional support, too. Naturally, we doctors are grateful to have such a loving and supportive staff at BWH who also truly care and desire to help our patients.”
“I instantly loved the OB-GYN rotations. Having opened the first OB-GYN practice in Baldwin County in 1974 is certainly a point of pride. Still practicing, I’m the oldest (not senior!) practitioner in the area and love what I do!”
In addition to Dr. Diegmann, BWH is also home to Drs. Henderson, Missanelli, and Cooper. Megan Missanelli, M.D., MHP, has been with the team for three years and adds, “I enjoy the breadth of the field as I’m able to work with a range of patients from young girls to postmenopausal women. Our field is so unique in that regard. We get to educate young women on their anatomy and physiology, discuss intimate sexual health concerns, deliver babies, and treat life-threatening pathology—all sometimes in the same patient throughout their lifetime. I’m particularly passionate about adolescent gynecology and educating young women about normal female anatomy, physiology, and reproductive health. It empowers them to understand their own bodies and advocate for themselves as they grow. My background in public health also makes me eager to care for the indigent obstetric population of Baldwin County. So many women from non-white communities and low socioeconomic background experience discrimination in the healthcare system. I want to create a welcoming and caring environment for all women so they never feel neglected or ignored.”
On the other end of the age spectrum, Dr. Missanelli has a keen interest in menopause. “I counsel my premenopausal and menopausal patients on the latest in evidence-based hormone replacement therapy. There are so many nefarious products offered online and even in our own community that have no clinical data to support their use. There is even evidence that they are actually harmful, including ingredients like pellets and compounded “bio-identical” hormones. I direct patients to the best resources to educate them on appropriate and safe HRT options so they can educate themselves and make the best-individualized decision. The knowledge and evidence is constantly evolving, so I am frequently listening to lectures and podcasts as well as following practitioners on social media from all over the world that specialize in menopause to bring their knowledge to our small community.”
As the sole primary care provider for many women in the Mobile Bay area, BWH offers fitness and nutrition counseling as well. “The obesity epidemic is a challenge for all practitioners. From hypertension and diabetes to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), the negative health outcomes are pervasive. Our goal is to redirect the obesity conversation to better educate women on the negative female reproductive health outcomes like infertility and endometrial cancer. Furthermore, my personal goal is to shift the focus from the number on the scale to the importance of long-term bone health. So many women are taught to focus on cardiovascular exercise to achieve their body image goals. However, the focus should change to emphasize the importance of weight-bearing exercise on osteoporosis prevention, for example. Establishing a new perspective on exercise in young women can pay dividends later in life,” Dr. Missanelli tells us.
“At the majority of their annual visits, women have at least one mental health complaint and likely have never established care with a mental health practitioner. We collaborate with several counselors in our area to assist our patient with their mental health needs.”
As for the mental wellbeing aspect of her work, Dr. Missanelli shares, “At the majority of their annual visits, women have at least one mental health complaint and likely have never established care with a mental health practitioner. We collaborate with several counselors in our area to assist our patients with their mental health needs. Postpartum depression is an especially important focus for us, too. We were one of the first groups in the area to start seeing postpartum women at the 3 weeks visit, ahead of the latest recommendations to do so. We want to make sure we are catching postpartum depression and anxiety early to ensure treatment is initiated in a time-sensitive manner. The fourth trimester is often overlooked or neglected. We want our patients to feel comforted and supported during this critical time period.”
Dr. Missanelli is also passionate about another mental health arena—pelvic floor dysfunction and the history of sexual or physical abuse. “My private practice experience has enlightened me to the sad reality that sexual abuse of women is an epidemic. I’d estimate that 30% of my patients experienced some sort of sexual abuse throughout their lifetime, many of whom never disclose it. A basic physical manifestation of that abuse is pelvic floor dysfunction and an inability to enjoy sex throughout their lifetime. I always want to create a welcoming and compassionate environment so women feel comfortable disclosing their personal history. Then we can openly work toward a solution in conjunction with many of our wonderful local counselors and pelvic floor physical therapists.” she shares.
Lighting up when asked about Dr. Diegmann, Dr. Missanelli tell us, “His knowledge is unrivaled and his mentorship has been critical for my growth and development as a physician. He stays current on the latest research, probably more than us younger doctors! The pathology he has seen over the years is so unique and broad; I always consult him on puzzling patients and he provides so much clarity and enlightenment. He is a colleague, father, and grandfather all in one! We have very spirited debates and discussions that challenge us both and make us stronger colleagues and friends.”
“I always liked the idea of participating in someone’s medical care throughout their life. During medical school rotations, I realized that I enjoy primary care, surgery and absolutely enjoy bringing life into the world.”
For Bret T. Henderson, M.D., a highly acknowledged gynecologic and robotic surgeon, the draw to BWH was simple. “I always liked the idea of participating in someone’s medical care throughout their life. During medical school rotations, I realized that I enjoy primary care, surgery, and absolutely enjoy bringing life into the world. The OB-GYN field is a good mixture of all those aspects. During residency training, I spoke with Dr. Diegmann several times and he’d ‘tongue-in-cheek’ ask, ‘When are you going to come work with me?’ I felt he provided the type of care I wanted to align with. Luckily, he gave me an offer to join his practice and I will be forever grateful. I’ve been in practice with him for almost 10 years and I still learn things from him on a weekly basis. His compassion and attention towards all patients, as well as his integrity, was something I was drawn to as I believe this is an aspect of medicine that’s fading away. He also created a culture in our office where we’re truly a family. We have very little turnover, which is rare today. All staff and physicians work as a team–we never want competition to come between us and patient care.”
As the acting president of BWH, Dr. Henderson is more than experienced in all aspects of the OB-GYN field. From gynecological services like hysterectomies, robotic surgeries, various laparoscopic procedures, hysteroscopies and endometrial ablations, wellness exams, and procedures such as IUD insertions, no two days are the same. “I love that there’s something new every day and that I get to care for women of various ages and ethnicities. I’m also very drawn to the mental health aspect of what we do. For many women, their OB-GYN is the only provider they see and it’s amazing how much they will open up when simply asked, ‘are you okay?’ We’ve been able to establish good relationships with mental health providers and make referrals for our patients that we can’t manage on our own,“ Dr. Henderson explains.
In today’s busy world, face-to-face time with a doctor is rare. “My goal is to listen intently and provide guidance and a create a comfortable, calm, safe space for each and every patient. I truly care what people are going through. My goal is to always include the patient’s support person, too. We all meet in my office before they’re ever brought to an exam room as I believe this helps alleviate anxiety that comes with visiting OB-GYN offices,” Dr. Henderson adds.
With the team in agreement, the offices close proximity to Thomas Hospital is another huge positive. “There are days when I literally run back and forth 5 to 6 times. It gives our patients comfort knowing we’re right across the street and it helps our clinic patient-flow run smoothly. We’re also the only OB-GYN office in our area that accepts all types of Tricare (military) insurance as we have a passion to provide excellent care to our military families. Additionally, we’re a family and we invest in each other’s families to create this incredible environment where life happens. All of us have kids, grandkids, and even pets that can get sick, bring about schedule changes, and more. We always step-up and help each other,” Dr. Henderson beams.
With a big heart, Dr. Henderson shares, “I volunteer at Women’s Care Medical Center. They offer many free services. I’ve also volunteered with my church, Fairhope United Methodist, in a program called Wonderfully Made which gives 5th and 6th graders correct information in a non-threatening environment.” And giving credit where credit is due, he adds, “Dr. Diegmann is an icon. He was the first OB-GYN in our county and has the unique perspective of seeing not only how medicine has changed over almost 50 years, but also how medicine has evolved in Baldwin County. I can’t think of a better mentor.”
Lauren Cooper, M.D., is the newest team member and joined BWH because of the people. Top of her class and with several academic accolades, it’s safe to say she probably had a lot of options. “I was drawn to the staff. They’ve created a family atmosphere that’s extended to the patients and can be seen in every aspect of care.” And while she’s experienced in the full scope of obstetrics and gynecology, she has specific interests, too. “I’m passionate about adolescent health care, from menstruation to birth control, and the associated stigmas and problems. I’m also dedicated to helping mothers have a successful breast-feeding journey—whatever that may look like for them.” When asked what she wishes more women knew, she responds, “The basics of the menstrual cycle and the importance of cervical cancer screenings and prevention!”
“I was drawn to the staff. They’ve created a family atmosphere that’s extended to the patients and can be seen in every aspect of care.”
Grateful for her time with Dr. Diegmann, Dr. Cooper tell us, “He’s not only has a larger-than-life personality, he’s a mentor and a friend. In my short time at BWH, I’ve grown to look forward to the days we can debate, banter, and joke with each other. He reminds me of my late grandfather who was my role model and the reason I became a doctor. He also keeps me in line as he’s constantly asking questions to test my knowledge in a manner reminiscent of residency! I appreciate this and his openness to new techniques or recommendations despite being in this field for a long time.”
Originally from Cape Coral, Florida, Dr. Cooper’s husband, Josh, hails from North Alabama, so the couple decided the Gulf Coast was the perfect blend of both worlds and now happily call Fairhope home with their boys, Maverick and Shepherd. Family centered and fans of the local beaches and outdoor areas, the Coopers fit right in with Dr. Missanelli and her husband, Byron, and their children, Charlie, Julian, and Francesca, as well as with Dr. Henderson and his wife, Emily, and their children, Mason and Logan. After all, for the BWH team, it’s all about family.
Throwing that love right back, Dr. Diegmann shares, “Dr. Henderson, who is one of my very best friends, was a gift from the Lord. He’s a wonderful man and an excellent physician. And, Drs. Missanelli and Cooper were the pick of the litter! Each are the most highly trained and qualified physicians one could hope for. My first love has always been obstetrics, and still is today.” We’re betting his wife Debbie and their three children, Katie, Lucy, and Timothy, as well as the ten grandchildren, can verify the stories, the family first approach, and the love behind the doors at BWH, too.
Bayside Women’s Health | 150 South Ingleside Street, Suite 2, Fairhope
251.990.6550 | BWHFairhope.com