Meet Licensed Medical Esthetician Aimee Lee, one of the newest practitioners at Alabama Medical Group’s (AMG) growing aesthetics program. Prioritizing glowing outcomes for her patients, Aimee is also keen to educate them on further improving their skin at home, making her a new go-to when it comes to looking as young as we feel. Additionally, she’s a devoted wife, mom to three teenagers, and a photographer, illustrating to us all that we do have time to wash our face before bed. We spoke with Aimee about her career, family, and the services she expertly provides.

 By Amber Wielkens Photos Stevye Photography, Hair Jason Chambers, Headdress Salon, 251.689.7427 Makeup Courtney Matthews Makeup Artistry,



If you’re one of the lucky patients seeing Aimee, you already know this is the first thing she’ll ask you, and it’s not so she can lecture you regarding its importance—it’s part of meeting people where they are and gently teaching them about caring for their skin. “Individualized treatment plans are vital for each and every patient’s success,” she says. “Further, I ask what they hope to change about their skin and their end goal. From there, I physically examine the treatment area and form a game plan.” Patients are confident they’ll not only look better when their treatment is complete, but also be educated about at-home skincare maintenance.

 Aimee has always put family first. Originally from New Iberia, Louisiana, she says, “I grew up in Cajun Country, where family, faith, and food are at the top of our priority list,” she laughs, adding, “I’ve lived in Mobile for nearly 30 years, but my Cajun heritage is part of who I am.” After graduating from McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, Aimee attended the University of South Alabama before getting married and starting a family. “I’m a wife, mother, esthetician, and photographer. My husband, Jonathan Lee, is a Captain with the Mobile Police Department and the owner of THP Solutions, a security consultation company. Together we have three teenagers: Jackson, Alex, and Emma Grace,” she shares.

 Challenges she faced with her own skin were the catalyst for Aimee to become a licensed medical esthetician. The more she learned, the more she was convinced this was her calling. But don’t think it was easy. “Education is always the best way to start in any field, so I was adamant about starting from the bottom up. Long days of classes and long nights of studying while raising children weren’t always easy, but I’m thankful I had the opportunity to learn and understand skin before jumping into this industry,” she claims. After completing a 14-month education course, she sat for her state boards and passed with flying colors. “I was (and have been) employed as a licensed esthetician in a medical setting since graduating five years ago, which is an accomplishment in itself, considering how competitive this industry is and how limited these positions are in our area.”

 Alabama Medical Group’s growing aesthetics program allows Aimee to demonstrate her superior skill set and share with us the value of the services offered. Her unmistakable passion for her work and care for her patients is on full display when asked what she loves best about her job. “Too many things to count! I really love my patients. It’s not uncommon for someone to be teary-eyed during their initial consultation, and I have the privilege of watching their confidence level rise and their smiles get a little bigger each time they walk through my door,” she tells us, sweetly adding, “Little did they know they were beautiful all along—it’s just my job to help them see it. And when they finally do? Well, that’s my favorite part.”

Leather Dress; $178; Hemline, 251.287.6875. Heels, $180;The Gallery Shoe Boutique, 251.344.4257. Earrings, $35; The Holiday, 251.432.4911.

White Top, $48; Hemline, 251.287.6875. Pants, $268; Rise, 251.341.7096. Heels,150; The Gallery Shoe Boutique, 251.344.4257. Earrings, $35; The Holiday, 251.432.4911.

Pink Dress, Call for price; The Mix, 251.298.9137. Earrings, $40; The Holiday, 251.432.4911. Heels, $78, Necklace, $98; Rise, 251.341.7096.