The Great Resignation is still happening even as we learn that many employees are not leaving the workforce altogether—only in hopes of a better workplace culture. The ever-shifting landscape of business means it’s vital your company is on the cutting edge of retaining your employees. Coming to save the day is Lisa Hall, Founder and CEO of Root Motive, a game-changing company using color-coded personality assessments and customized training to teach team members leadership principles and how to best communicate and understand each other. And it’s not just bigger businesses. It’s a great exercise for small businesses, women’s groups like book clubs or wedding parties, and even families. In an era full of division, could four colors help us better work together to solve problems across all areas in our lives?

By Amber Wielkens Photos Layla Lambert,

What motivates you? It’s both easy and hard to say. On one hand, you can rattle off a list—your family, your paycheck, your ambition, etc. On the other hand, it’s more difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is about your personality that makes you think, do things, and react the way you do in life. Enter the Color Code personality assessment. It’s a 20-minute multiple choice test with immediate results reflecting your Driving Core Motive and the differences between motive, personality, and behavior. You’ll be assigned one of four colors, each with unique qualities that further help you understand yourself. When you attend a training session customized by Lisa, you and your coworkers will learn how best to communicate to one another as well as leadership gaining the know-how to become aware of their leadership style and what they can do to increase employee productivity and morale, making your business a more productive and harmonious workplace.

“I founded Root Motive because I saw a need and wanted a platform where I could educate more people on what I have learned. The service I provide for my clients is the same service I have been providing to employees in business settings for over 20 years,” shares Lisa. “My diverse career path has afforded me the opportunity to learn from the best in business excellence.” Lisa attended The University of Alabama at Birmingham, holds a specialization in Strategic Leadership and Organization, is a certified Color Code trainer, and has maintained in-depth studies in positive psychology, but her most influential education has been hands-on. Her husband’s job with the federal government afforded her the chance to live (and learn) in Seattle, Washington; Key West, Florida; Brasilia, Brazil; Washington, DC; and Wichita, Kansas. “This has enabled me to be exposed to various business models and build on my experience,” she states.

How does it work? Lisa says, “The Color Code is a powerful tool included in my trainings in how we can change or improve our professional and personal relationships. In our work environment, we learn to read people easily and accurately, motivate others, and identify strategies for communicating more effectively. Looking to another’s Driving Core Motive rather than their behavior alone gives you an accurate starting place to understand them,” she remarks. “I assist in creating action plans to implement these principles by utilizing business mapping and implementing the leadership and communication elements learned in the Color Code and customized training.”

For the Color Code, she says, “There is a link via the Root Motive website for the free assessment in which you identify your Driving Core Motive. You then have an option to upgrade. Typically, organizations will elect the upgraded version, best facilitated via contacting Root Motive. We admit to taking the free version of the test and were surprised at how accurately it assessed our staff members.

If you’re as interested in this powerful communication and team-building platform as we are, Lisa offers training in-person, video conferencing, and webinars. You can schedule half or full day options, as well as keynote presentations, though the former allow more time for breakout sessions and customized team-building activities. Additionally, many organizations take advantage of supplemental quarterly check-ins with Root Motive to maintain high morale for their leadership and team members. Let’s also not forget you don’t have to be a big company. Any group of people (families, friends, small offices) who communicate regularly need this in their lives.

And there’s more. “As a business, if we’re not connecting with our clients and employees on an emotional level and communicating our purpose, we miss opportunities for an authentic connection. This is identified in the details of our service, our stories, and how we connect with our community and the world. If a business is intentional in doing the right thing and is able to provide a meaningful lasting impression, employees will thrive, and clients will be devoted to the brand,” Lisa claims. Success is more than having superior intellect, it’s having emotional intelligence. “Emotional intelligence is important as it is the key component in knowing and managing our emotions, motivating ourselves and others, recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions, and managing relationships. The Color Code teaches the EQ (Emotional Quotient) competencies, which are self-motivation, empathy, self-regulation, and social skills and how each color can increase their EQ,” she says.

Lastly, Lisa shares one of her many success stories. “When I came into a veterinary emergency organization in Wichita, Kansas, I was able to identify key areas that needed a new focus. I developed strategies that improved the culture, mission, patient care, and community and client relations. This resulted in better financial performance and brand integrity. I am proud of the following testimony from the owner, Dr. Brock Lofgreen: ‘Lisa came into our practice during a time when morale was down, customer service was suffering, and I was trying to turn things around. We needed a strong leader with a plan who was able to train leaders within our business. Through Lisa’s guidance, our practice was completely transformed.’”

Asked how her job is fulfilling, Lisa smiles, saying, ”I love being able to make a difference in someone’s professional or personal life. When I hear someone after a training say, ‘I thought that my coworker didn’t like me, but I get it now,’ or ‘I wonder if I would have gotten a divorce if I had this information,’ it’s very impactful for me. I take my role seriously and understand the responsibility of providing the best possible content and experience.”

Root Motive Training | Fairhope, Alabama | 479.353.5678