While her husband and five children confirmed she was beautiful and crazy for thinking she wasn’t, Charlie Wallace made the decision to make herself happy. And choosing cosmetic surgeon James Koehler, M.D., to fulfill her dreams proved to be the right decision. With the details of her very personal journey through what’s commonly referred to as a “Mommy Makeover,” Charlie and Dr. Koehler opened up about the various aspects of what it’s really like. Knowing many of us have pondered this option, it’s clear to see that choosing a top-notch surgeon and being a compliant patient really can result in liking your own body. 

By Hayley Hill  Photos Makeup Courtney Matthews Makeup Artistry,

With boundless energy and a soaring spirit, Charlie Wallace spreads joy wherever she goes. A Daphne resident originally from Madison Mississippi, Charlie always knew she wanted her children to grow up with sandy feet surrounded by fresh salty air. Creating blended bliss, Charlie was thrilled to have what she and her and her husband Joshua lovingly refer to as “bonus children.”  

Having birthed 4 out of their 5 children that are now mostly self-sufficient, Charlie realized she could take some time to care for herself. “As a mother to 5 children, I had given so much of myself to them and it took a toll on my body. Over 11 years, I was either pregnant or nursing and went from a double zero to a size 12. I wasn’t overweight but I had a momma pooch and deflated breasts. My abs were stretched apart and no matter how many sit ups I did, nothing was going to put them back together. I can easily recall when my children would play with my belly as it  was soft and squishy. That was sweet, but eventually they grew up. My husband has always told me I’m beautiful and he was sad when I made comments about how I felt in my skin,” Charlie explains.

Wanting the outside to resemble the inside, Charlie made the decision to set up a consultation with Dr. James Koehler of Eastern Shore Cosmetics. “My husband and I went to meet him and his staff. I was so nervous about what it would be like for my husband and I to reveal my body to him! However, Dr. Koehler made both of us feel extremely comfortable and he was very professional as we shared our hopes and expectations. Also, he was very honest and realistic about the overall experience. Having done my own research, I knew it was not going to be an instant fix,” Charlie shares.

Explaining common post pregnancy conditions, Dr. Koehler explains, “Pregnancy and childbirth can take a huge toll on women’s bodies. Stretch marks, abdominal muscle separation and skin laxity are a few very common aftereffects of the tremendous feat their bodies go through. Muscle separation can only be fixed surgically. It can be very difficult for some women to see their body after working so hard through diet and exercise, only to still have extra loose skin and softness in their abdomen. The breasts can also have the same skin laxity after breastfeeding. A lot of women require a mastopexy or breast lift for this reason.”

With Dr. Koehler’s expertise, Charlie made her decision. “I chose to have a mommy makeover due to the fact that it offers customized procedures to best suit each patient. I went with a breast augmentation, muscle repair on my abdominal muscles, liposuction on my lower back and stomach, and a full tummy tuck. I worked out hard prior to surgery and ate right because I knew that would help with a faster recovery! My biggest concern was about the pain and when I would be able to hold Waylyn, my youngest daughter. And while I appreciated all my former body had done for me, it was time to say goodbye to my mama stripes.”

As for his part? “Charlie came to me hoping to improve her abdominal area and breasts, and to feel better about her body after four pregnancies. I recommended an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck), breast implants, and a bit of liposuction to help contour her new tummy. A mommy makeover can be a transformative experience, but it presents various challenges for surgeons. Successful outcomes depend on meticulous planning, skillful execution, effective communication, and great postoperative care. It typically takes six months to a year to see the final results and recovery might involve drains, dressings, activity restriction, and scar care. Open communication with the surgeon is essential to ensure a successful outcome,” Dr. Koehler explains.

Getting into the specifics, Dr. Koehler shares, “A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty is often performed on patients who have excess skin and fat in the abdominal region, which may result from pregnancy, significant weight loss, or aging. An inherent aspect, a tummy tuck includes a permanent scar along the lower abdomen and I strive to make the incision as discreet as possible. Proper patient selection and preoperative assessments are crucial and patients must have realistic expectations about the outcome. However, a tummy tuck can provide significant improvement.”

When it comes to breast augmentation, Dr. Koehler adds, “It’s important to remember breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, and they may require replacement or revision in the future. Patients should have realistic expectations about the results, as breast augmentation can enhance the appearance of the breasts but may not necessarily achieve perfection or resolve body image issues. Choosing the right implant size, shape, and type is critical to achieving the desired outcome while maintaining a natural appearance.” 

As for Charlie’s post surgery experience? “Right after the surgery I was still feeling the anesthesia and I was on top of the world. I was walking fast and probably overdid it! The next day was a different story. I was sore and swollen, and every movement was hard. My back pain was pretty severe in the early days, but was so much better after Layne showed me that my binder wasn’t tight enough at my one week check up. Of course the pain medication helped and it truly wasn’t unbearable. Perhaps the hardest aspects were being patient and learning how to get through daily activities with my three drains. After 9 days, I felt comfortable and at two weeks post-op, I was getting pretty independent. Understanding it takes time to see the full results, I am eight weeks out and still have some swelling. Walking, staying hydrated, and eating a lot of protein is key and I was shocked that I didn’t experience more bruising. Knowing it could take six months for the swelling to be completely gone, I was stunned when I could see the ab definition I never knew was under my fluff!”

Also surprised by the disappearance of her lower back pain since having her abdominal muscles repaired, Charlie shares, “It really feels like true friendships were formed with Dr. Koehler and his entire staff. They made it so easy and even have an app to send picture messages anytime of the day. Thanks to them, I finally have confidence and feel beautiful. I have always dreaded swimsuit shopping or having to put on a swimsuit, but now I can focus on having fun and not how I look.”

Knowing women have many options that include traveling abroad for cost savings, Dr. Koehler is passionate about this very topic. “Choosing a surgeon for cosmetic or reconstructive surgery is a significant decision. For starters, it’s important to know that the U.S. has stringent regulations and safety standards for medical facilities, surgeons, and procedures. American surgeons are typically board-certified, ensuring that they have undergone rigorous training and maintain high standards of surgical competence. Also, American surgeons have access to state-of-the-art facilities, technology, and medical advancements so they are more likely to offer the latest techniques and procedures, resulting in safer and more effective outcomes. My facility is AAAHC certified, meaning we have gone through extensive inspections to ensure our surgical facility is top-notch. Plus, if you experience complications or require follow-up care after surgery, having a surgeon in the same country allows for easier access to additional treatment, and follow-up appointments. Lastly, traveling abroad for surgery carries risks such as language barriers, unfamiliar medical practices, different legal systems, and the potential for unregulated facilities. The cost savings may not outweigh the potential complications and traveling immediately after surgery can increase the risk of complications, including blood clots. If cost is a concern, explore financing options or consult with American surgeons who offer affordable payment plans. Ultimately, choosing a well-qualified, board-certified American surgeon can provide peace of mind, reduce risks, and increase the likelihood of achieving the desired results safely,” he advises.

Fast forward, Charlie shares, “My children are actually very proud of me for choosing myself. It was really nice to hear my children reassure me and be supportive of what I wanted even though they thought I was beautiful. I kept telling myself no pain no gain and I am so thrilled with the results!”. Interestingly, Charlie and her husband are social media influencers and Dr. Koehler happily allowed them to document the process on their TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook platforms under 7blended and Mrs7blended. “I never want anyone to have body shaming issues or think they’re not enough. I worried that having the surgery would say I was ashamed as there’s always been a stigma around plastic surgery. I knew I wanted to break that cycle and that’s why I’ve been so transparent,” a happy Charlie concludes. 

 Eastern Shore Cosmetic Surgery

7541 Cipriano Court, Fairhope, AL 36532
