At some point most of us realize that skin care is so much more than a random Botox injection and what we do at the sink every day. And in a time where the pairing of science and skin care has quickly become the new norm and boasts countless benefits, there’s a lot to keep up with. Mobile’s Kimberly Donnellan, MD, FACS, an all-things skin care expert specializing in facial plastic surgery, surgical and nonsurgical facial rejuvenation, and skin cancer reconstruction, wants us to approach skin care as a journey. The new sweet spot, she shares the latest anti-aging combos for us all.

By Hayley Hill Headshots Stevye Photography,

A skin journey is not a one-time fix or a quick solution, but rather a continuous process of caring for your skin with patience, consistency, and the willingness to adapt to achieve healthy, radiant skin. In agreement, Dr. Donnellan shares, “Many people don’t think of their skin care as a journey and about the comprehensive ways they could maximize and enhance their aesthetics if they approached it this way. It’s a journey that starts in childhood and hopefully with lots of sunscreen! And while most people think genetics play a major role in the aging process, they only play a very small role. With proper skin care and preventative steps along the way, we can slow the aging process and even turn back the clock. I always say you’re on a wheel. The aging process keeps on coming, so you need to do small things along the way to either avoid larger procedures or get the most longevity out of the procedures you’ve already completed,” she shares.

With the advancement of science and technology, perhaps the relatively new approach of pairing treatments for maximum results is what’s most exciting. On the cutting-edge of the latest advancements, Dr. Donnellan says, “I think our biggest advances have been in combining treatments. Combination treatments yield better results with no added appointments or social downtime. Examples include RF microneedling and CO2 (CoolPeel). This is our most popular nonsurgical in-office treatment and both devices are state-of-the-art, help stimulate collagen, and provide smoother texture to the skin. When used together, we can address many issues such as scars, wrinkles, sunspots, and sagging skin at once.  RF microneedling and Sciton BBL is another popular combination if wrinkles and sun damage are the main concerns.”  

Always interested in time savers, she adds, “Current lifestyles sometimes demand instant gratification, and many patients are now getting a CoolPeel laser during their Botox treatment appointment. The CO2 laser speeds the skins exfoliation process and promotes collagen while the Botox relaxes the muscle. As the Botox starts to “kick in,” they can enjoy beautiful, youthful, glowing skin from the CoolPeel CO2 laser.” 

As for latest skin care buzz she’s excited about? “We started carrying a new skin care line by Plated Skin Science. It’s a breakthrough technology that uses exosomes derived by platelets to reduce redness, brown spots, and wrinkles. Exosomes are in a category all their own and they’re the new buzz word at every plastic surgery meeting! The results are dramatic and are shown to defend against the aging process by regenerating the skins surface cells. It will be exciting to see as the process continues to develop and the new ways we will use this technology,” Dr. Donnellan shares.  

Naturally, there’s no one right answer to a person’s aesthetic journey.  “It took many years and factors to age the skin, and we have various treatments that can help in several different ways. The most important thing a patient can do is communicate the things that bother them the most when they look in a mirror or at a photograph of themselves and then listen to all the options. My initial consultation with a patient is never rushed. I listen first, then given several options to both address their concerns and what I feel would benefit them the most. Oftentimes I will recommend combination therapies which may include surgical and nonsurgical options as well as simple things like routine skin care,” Dr. Donnellan explains. 

Curious about skin care by the ages, she states, “Sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles can be apparent in our late 20s and early 30s. Starting a medical grade skin care routine is a must and should include antioxidants, retinols, and sunscreen. Simple things like removing your makeup before bed is also a must. It’s become popular to start a preventative neurotoxin like Botox at a younger age. I think when you start to see fine lines at rest, it’s time to consider small amounts of Botox to prevent deeper wrinkles. Procedures like hydro-dermabrasions and Broad Band Light therapy (BBL/IPL) can address sun damage (dark spots) and tighten the skin and are appropriate for younger individuals that don’t require surgery or aggressive treatments.”

Counting a few more birthdays, she adds, “While every patient is different most people can benefit from a neurotoxin (Botox) in their 40s and 50s and may be a candidate for laser therapy. As we begin to lose collagen in our 40s, lasers can promote new collagen and lift the skin to give a fuller midface and a tighter jawline. I’ve found that radiofrequency microneedling and CO2 laser therapy can yield dramatic results without surgical intervention.”

As a renowned facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Donnellan has the unique perspective that she can provide successful surgical and nonsurgical options when needed. “My training has included complex aesthetic and reconstructive surgery which gives me a distinctive advantage at understanding the aging process with respect to facial musculature. Facelift and neck lift surgery has significantly improved over the years as surgeons now understand the importance of natural, long-lasting results. Some surgeries like Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and simple neck procedures can easily be performed in the office under local anesthesia. You don’t always have to sacrifice results for a choice of a more non-invasive procedure.”

Of course, every patient’s treatment plan must be individualized.  “Based on their specific concerns, some things are best treated with surgical intervention, but a few tweaks here and there can make a big difference along the journey. Both surgical and nonsurgical treatments have been given a bad rap in the past. There is no reason that someone should not look natural after these procedures. Patients should research their doctor, know their specific training and areas of expertise, and not be afraid to ask tough questions prior to putting their confidence in their doctors’ hands. Lots of physicians and providers dabble in the aesthetic industry and that can be one of the reasons we see undesirable results or even devastating complications. Another dangerous trend is taking medical advice from sources like TikTok and social media influencers. Although there is some reputable advice that can be found on the internet, I’ve seen advice ranging from treatments that simply waste your money to recommendations that could result in dangerous complications.”

Because she’s in these trenches daily, we wonder what she wishes more people understood. “I think the biggest misconception I hear is that a patient will look unnatural after a procedure. I know in my hands, I would never want a patient to look windswept after a facelift, overfilled with filler, or frozen from Botox. The goal is to look refreshed. If you feel young on the inside, there is no reason why you shouldn’t match that on the outside!” she explains.  

In response to our inquiry regarding bouncing from one practice to another, Dr. Donnellan’s reply is almost as perfect as her skin. “I’ve often been complimented that I retain my patient base. Many of my patients have been with me since I moved to Mobile 13 years ago. When we are on your skin care journey together, I will know your skin, how it responds, and how we can maximize all that science and technology has to offer rather than repair what has been done in the past. It’s simply the best approach and I love seeing my patient’s self-confidence grow as we continue their aesthetic journey together!”

USA Health Facial Plastic Surgery

USA Health Midtown

2505 Old Shell Rd, 

Mobile, AL 36607
