2022 Mardi gras carnival kickoff

Hello to my Mobile Carnival family!

With the confetti cannons loaded and as we gear up for the most highly anticipated Mardi Gras season of all time, it’s my greatest pleasure to wish everyone a most wonderful time. It is my hope that we all sparkle, shine, and have a beautiful social season like never before—all while celebrating this glorious tradition we’re so fortunate to call our own.

I’m excited to share that having extra time lit a giant fuse in each organization, unlike anything I’ve ever seen! As the conceptual artist and producer for many of our most cherished Carnival celebrations, I’m amazed at the boundless energy and resources being poured into the 2022 season. I’m astounded and thrilled by the exaggerated themes and lavish extravagances each crew is preparing. Every idea has been revisited and will be louder than we’ve ever seen.

For example, we’re building a special new gold leaf stage for the 100th anniversary of the Crewe of Columbus and our plans for the Infant Mystics ball are on par with a Broadway production that promises to be the biggest show in town. Guests will enjoy the Sea-Tale theme, which will not only play out through sound, light, and video production, but also a choreographed introduction for the two leading ladies involving a British sea captain colliding with a pirate captain! Even those smaller, more intimate, celebrations like the Sirens ball are turning up the heat. This year, they will celebrate to the theme of “In Your Wildest Dreams” and it promises to be just that. Lastly, the coronation on February 26 will boast two courts! Get tickets now, as this will be an unforgettable and unique event.

As a history buff, our city’s past never ceases to stop me in my tracks. As we set up for the Strikers Ball at the divine Crown Hall, I stood in amazement at what we’d created while recalling it’s the second-oldest social organization in the United States. The founding members were actual graders who would quite literally strike the value of cotton bales before loading them onto ships in our famous port. Just wow!

Past Carnivals have only been postponed during times of war, so having had the unique pandemic downtime to ponder my nearly fifty years of setting stages and curating these special events, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude to be part of something so special in such an incredible city. Of course, I couldn’t imagine doing any of this without my partner, the one and only Jim Sapser. He gives as much of himself as I do and together we can’t wait to see you sparkle on the dance floor! Happy Mardi Gras and let’s go, Mobile—it’s showtime!

Ron Barrett

President, Ron Barrett LLC